Lost Registration key
Contact Form

You will need to contact us and have a service representative assist you in retrieving your registration key.

In order for us to quickly resolve your registration key problem, please ensure you provide as much information about your initial purchase as possible. If you don't have some of the information leave it blank. We may be able to look it up.

Your name:


Contact Email Address:
This email must match the email address you originally registered with. The registration key will be sent to this address.

Registered Device Owner name or UID:

Enter your Android UID or Symbian 15 character IMEI, or the Windows Mobile Owner name, UID or Palm HotSync User name, you registered with.

Purchase Location:

Purchase Order #:
Email Address used to purchase with
(fill only if different from Contact email address:)
This email must match the email address you originally registered with. We will use this address to look up your key.
Approximate Date of Purchase:
Explanation - Please fully explain the reason for the lost registration key.

Note: We will not use your email entered here for marketing purposes. It is required only to verify your purchase.
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